Historie Literatury České
The Foreign Quarterly Review.

London 1828.

Historie Literatury České áneb saustauwný přehled spisů Českých,
s Krátkau Historij Národu, Oswicenj a Gazyka.

Pracj Josefa Jungmanna, Dóktora Filosofie a Professora Humanitnjho. W Praze 1825.
John Bowring

The Foreign Quarterly Review.
Beneš Hermanow. 151 a 152
Jelen. 153

Ukázka překladu - strana 153:

            Biehase ielen pohorach.

        A stag o'er forest, field, and hill,
        Wander'd at his capricious will,
        Now up, -now down the mountain side,
        And shook his branching antlers wide,
        And with his branching antlers he
        Forced shrub and tree,
        And sprung around
        With eager footsteps o'er the ground.
          A youth speeds o'er the mountain's top,
        Nor in the valley does he stop;
        His heavy battle weapons thrown
        Across his shoulders, hastes he on,
        And with those weapons sharp and strong,
        Breaks through the foeman's throng.
          Alas! that youth no mountain passed;
        ... ... ...
Essey o Historii české literatury do The Foreign Quarterly Review (strana 145 až 174) napsal John Bowring.

The Foreign Quarterly Review.
Vol. II. Published in February & June, MDCCCXXVIII. London: Treuttel and Würtz, Treuttel jun. and Richter. Soho Square. 1828. Printed by C. Roworth, Bell Yard, Temple Bar.

©  Jaroslav Gagan
©  Česká společnost rukopisná