Historical view of the Languages and Literature
of the Slavic Nations.

By  T A L V J.

Ancient Bohemian Songs.
From Rukopis Kralodworsky.
I.   (Róže.) 386-387
II.  (Opuštěná.) 387

Paní Robinsonová píšící pod dívčím jménem TALVJ (Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob) napsala rozsáhlé Dějiny slovanské řeči a literatury, kde jsou ukázky různých textů. Z Rukopisu královédvorského vybrala písně Róže a Opuštěná (přeloženy podle Hankova 3. vydání RK z roku 1835).

Ukázky překladu:

strana 386-387:

        Ancient Bohemian Songs.
     (From Rukopis Kralodworsky.)

     O my rose, my fair red rose,
     Why art thou blown out so erly?
     Why, when blown out, frozen?
     Why, when frozen, withered?
     Withered, broken from the stem!

     Late at night I sat and sat,
     Sat until the cocks did crow;
     No one came, although I waited
     Till the pine-torch all burned low.

     Then came slumber over me;
     And I dreamed my golden ring
     Sudden slipp'd from my right hand;
     Down my precious diamond fell.
     For the ring I looked in vain,
     For my love I longed in vain!

     O, ye forests, dark green forests,
     Miletinish forests!
     Why in summer and in winter,
     Are ye green and blooming?
     O! I would not weep and cry,
     Nor torment my heart.
     But now tell me, good folks, tell me,
     How should I not cry?
     Ah! where is my dear good father?
     Wo! he deep lies buried.
     Where my mother? O good mother!
     O'er her grows the grass!
     Brothers have I not, nor sisters,
     And my lad is gone!

Historical view of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations; with a sketch of their Popular Poetry. By TALVJ. With a Preface by Edward Robinson. New York 1850. George P. Putnam, 155 Broadway. John F. Trow, Printer, Ann-street. Formát 19,5 x 13 cm. Počet stran 412.

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©  Jaroslav Gagan
©  Česká společnost rukopisná