The Queen's Court Manuscript,
with Other Ancient Bohemian Poems.
Translated by
Albert Henry Wratislaw.

Strana 89:

           The Rose.

O THOU Rose, thou lovely Rose!
Why thus early bloom'st thou bright?
Why doth frost thy young bloom smite?
Why frost-stricken fad'st in sight?
Why, when faded, fall'st thou light?

Long time I sate at even late
   Till cock-crowing alone,
Nor longer could I ought await;
   The pine-torch all was gone.

I slept, I dream'd, it to me seem'd;
   Ah me! unhappy maid!
The gold ring from my finger fell,
   That my right hand displayed.

Out slipp'd the costly stone of price,
   That in the ring should be; -
The precious stone I never found,
   No lover came to me!

The Queen's Court Manuscript,
with Other Ancient Bohemian Poems, Translated from the Original Slavonic into English Verse by A. H. Wratislaw, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge. 1852. Metcalfe and Palmer, Printers, Cambridge. Formát 17 x 10,5 cm. Počet stran 6+XVI+108.

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©  Jaroslav Gagan
©  Česká společnost rukopisná