The Queen's Court Manuscript,
with Other Ancient Bohemian Poems.
Translated by
Albert Henry Wratislaw.

Strana 92:

           The Lark.

ALL in a lordly garden ground
   Is weeding bemp a maid,
A Lark addresses her and asks,
   Why sad, and why afraid?

'O how can I then joyful be
   Thou pretty little lark?
My lover they have ta'en from me
   And shut in dungeon dark.

'O had I, had I but a pen,
   A letter I would write,
And thou my messenger should'st be,
   And with it take thy flight.

'But I've no paper, I've no pen,
   A letter to essay,
So greet and tell my love in song,
   That here I pine away'.

The Queen's Court Manuscript,
with Other Ancient Bohemian Poems, Translated from the Original Slavonic into English Verse by A. H. Wratislaw, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge. 1852. Metcalfe and Palmer, Printers, Cambridge. Formát 17 x 10,5 cm. Počet stran 6+XVI+108.

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©  Jaroslav Gagan
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