
The Manuscript of Dvur Kralove is only a fragment, therefore the song Oldrich is without beginning. In the poem a liberation of Prague and expulsion of Poland by prince Oldrich in 1004 is described.

He went into the forest black'
To the nobles of the land,
And seven nobles there were met,
Each with a valiant band.
Beside him speedeth Vyhon Dub
All through the gloom of night,
His band is of a hundred men,
All ready for the fight.
Sharp swords are in a hundred sheaths,
Strong arms to every sword,
And every heart to Vyhon true,
Attendant on his word.
They came into the midmost wood,
Right hands they reached around,
And whispering words together spake,
That none might hear the sound.
The night it passes the midnight hour,
Approaches towards morning gray,
And Vyhon to prince Oldrich speaks,
And thus to him doth say:
Ho! list to me thou prince renowned!
God gave thee strength of limb,
And wisdom and a prudent mind
Thou hast received from Him.
Come lead us 'against the cruel Poles,
Thy bidding we'll obey,
To right, to left, we'll turn and wheel,
As thou may'st point the way,
Advance, retreat at thy command,
In every furious fight; -
Up, up, you men of valiant heart,
And man yourselves with might!"
Lo! Lo! the prince the banner lifts
High in his mighty hand;
With me, with me, against the Poles,
The foemen of our land!"
Eight lords behind him storming go,
Three hundred at their side,
Three hundred men and fifty more,
Of valour proved and tried,
To where the Polish host is laid
In slumber scattered wide.
They stood upon the mountain ridge
Fast by the wood so deep,
Before them Prague lies motionless
In her quiet morning sleep.
Vltava 2 steams with morning mist,
Behind Prague the hills are blue,
Behind the hills the eastern sky
Assumes its morning hue.
Down from the hill! but hush! no noise!"
Into quiet Prague they steal,
And each his weapon sharp within
His mantle doth conceal.
A shepherd comes in the gray of dawn,
And calls to the watch on high,
To ope the gate; the watchman hears
The early shepherd's cry,
And opes the gate, the gate that lead
Over Vltava flowing nigh.
The shepherd steps upon the bridge,
And his horn doth loudly sound;
The Prince upon the bridge hath sprung,
Seven lords behind him bound,
Each hasting on with all his men,
With all his men around.
The trumpets loudly 'gin to bray,
The drums like thunder rumble,
They plant their banners on the bridge,
That all the bridge doth tremble.
The Poles are panic-struck around,
The Poles their weapons seize,
The lords redouble blow on blow,
The Polish army flees.
And hurry, hurry to the gate
They spring the trenches over,
And hurry, hurry still they flee
Th.' avenging blows before.
Lo! God hath victory bestowed;
One sun to rule the skies
Ariseth, over the land again
Jarmir doth king arise.
Joy spreads itself in Prague, joy spreads
Through all near Prague that lies
And joy around from joyous Prague
Through every region flies!